Report Name and Recommendation # Description Recommendation & Status Action

DAC-IPAD Special Victims’ Counsel/ Victims’ Legal Counsel Program Report R-41 '

Aug  2022

(DoD) Services should adopt an 18-month minimum assignment length

Recommendation 41: All of the Services should adopt an 18-month minimum assignment length for SVC/VLC serving in their first tour as a judge advocate, and a 24-month minimum for all other SVCs/VLCs, with appropriate exceptions for personal or operational reasons.

Implementation: (DOD) New DoD Instruction is pending and expected to address Service special victims’ counsel programs.

 Pending: DoDI on special victims’ counsel program

DAC-IPAD Special Victims’ Counsel/ Victims’ Legal Counsel Program Report R-42

Aug  2022

(DoD) Army should establish an independent rating structure Recommendation 42: The Army should establish an independent supervisory rating structure for SVCs outside of the OSJA [Office of the Staff Judge Advocate] and local command. Implementation: (DOD) New DoD Instruction is pending and expected to address Service special victims’ counsel programs. Pending: DoDI on special victims’ counsel programs