About Us

The Defense Advisory Committee on the Investigation, Prosecution, and Defense of Sexual Assault in the Armed Forces (DAC-IPAD) was established by the Secretary of Defense under the Carl Levin and Howard P. “Buck” McKeon National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015. Since its inception, DAC-IPAD has played a crucial role in reforming military justice related to sexual assault, ensuring fairness for victims and the accused.

Our Key Work

  • Case Reviews: Conducted a comprehensive review of 1,904 criminal cases involving adult sexual offenses, highlighting the need for better criteria for referring cases to trial.
  • Prosecution Standards: Recommended and succeeded in establishing uniform prosecution standards, now adopted by the Secretary of Defense, to ensure fair and consistent handling of cases.
  • Site Visits: Visited military installations worldwide to speak candidly with military justice practitioners, military leaders, and junior Servicemembers to gauge how changes in sexual assault laws and policies affect the force.

Our Team

Our committee is composed of distinguished professionals, including current and former judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys, criminologists, forensic experts, and legal scholars. Together, we leverage our expertise to advise Congress and the Department of Defense on handling sexual misconduct cases within the Armed Forces.

Establishing Documents 

DAC-IPAD Charter

DAC-IPAD Charter and Membership Balance Plan

DAC-IPAD Membership Balance Plan 2022-2024